Shadow Exploration - 2025 Summer Workshop
Discover and practice drawing shadow in art, including working with 3-D components, such as a shadow puppet theater and designing intricate patterns in a shadow box.
Discover and practice drawing shadow in art, including working with 3-D components, such as a shadow puppet theater and designing intricate patterns in a shadow box.
Discover and practice drawing shadow in art, including working with 3-D components, such as a shadow puppet theater and designing intricate patterns in a shadow box.
Class Dates:
Tue, Jun 10, 2025 through Fri, Jun 13, 2025
10:00am to 3:00pm each day.
Please note: This registration must be confirmed ArtFORM staff either by email or phone. Completion and payment of the online registration does not confirm registration for the class. If for some reason the registration is cancelled, a refund will be issued to you.